I love my little vintage booth... I will never become rich because of it, but it does help justify the inordinate amount of time cash I spend at estate sales. A couple of weekends ago, I grabbed several large sturdy tote bags and trudged through a grueling 7 estate sale marathon... attics to basements and back again. In the end, I came away with a partially-filled bag of... well... not much. And while there are no guarantees with these treasure hunts... it was particularly disappointing (not to mention humid... and dusty... and sweat and dirt/dust look awfully "attractive" after about the fifth attic).
This Saturday there were only two sales and "last day" sales at that... so armed with one tote and low expectations, I set out... and hit a photography motherload. I've had really good luck selling vintage cameras... but I was down to one lonely box camera in my booth and hadn't run across any in months... And then... well, take a look... brownies, boxes, books, old adverts, oh my... initially, I took pics of my monster haul as it completely covered my dining room table... but it was after midnight and although I appreciate ambient lighting, my persnickety little Canon does not... so I re-snapped part of the loot I took to the shop... (and a few of my new artsy projects while I was at it).