My great grandmother and grandmother both possessed those proverbial green thumbs. My mother and myself, not so much... I remember my grandmother's garden particularly... it was spacious, full of heirloom flowers, rose bushes, raspberry bushes, mulberry trees and constantly in bloom. I have one lilac bush... its been clinging to life for 8 years now... apparently I kept pruning it at the wrong time... I used to have two heirloom rose bushes... they're dead... I don't know what I did to those, but it must have been something awfully bad... because they managed quite happily for over twenty years before I took over their care. If you, like me, love flowers but are a bit botanically backward... take a moment to educate yourself... there are
resources everywhere. "The best time for pruning lilac bushes is right after their flowering has ceased. This allows new shoots plenty of time to develop the next season of blooms. Pruning lilacs too late can kill young developing buds...Pruning lilac bushes is important for their health and flower production."
Read first... snip second... your plants will thank you... my meager band of survivors does...
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