In my pompous little opinion... there's a time for style and there's a time for comfort... and, unfortunately, in the Godforsaken humid muck of the Summer little do those two meet... (did I ever mention I'm not overly fond of the Summer?) A couple of years ago, I found the most perfect go-to piece of hot weather apparel ever... white capris... with pockets... roomy pockets (LOVE pockets... and a big shout out to bridal designers who incorporate pockets into their gowns... genius!) 100% crisp cotton... no spandex, no poly... perfect weight... drawstring waist (cotton ribbon... not corded) no elastic, no buttons, no zippers... I wore them literally to shreds... can I find a replacement? ...apparently not... in linen maybe, but I don't have what it takes to pull off that perpetually-wrinkled linen look... (wrinkles bother me... what can I say... I have issues...) So the countdown begins and my annual search resumes... wish me luck...