In my pompous little opinion... there's a time for style and there's a time for comfort... and, unfortunately, in the Godforsaken humid muck of the Summer little do those two meet... (did I ever mention I'm not overly fond of the Summer?) A couple of years ago, I found the most perfect go-to piece of hot weather apparel ever... white capris... with pockets... roomy pockets (LOVE pockets... and a big shout out to bridal designers who incorporate pockets into their gowns... genius!) 100% crisp cotton... no spandex, no poly... perfect weight... drawstring waist (cotton ribbon... not corded) no elastic, no buttons, no zippers... I wore them literally to shreds... can I find a replacement? ...apparently not... in linen maybe, but I don't have what it takes to pull off that perpetually-wrinkled linen look... (wrinkles bother me... what can I say... I have issues...) So the countdown begins and my annual search resumes... wish me luck...
I was looking out my kitchen window this morning and noticed my neighbor's lilac bush literally bent over with blossoms... it prompted me to go out in my backyard and check mine... It turned out that it was in bloom too... not quite bending under the weight of flowers... but blossoming nonetheless... actually, three blooms to be exact... I had to clip one and bring it in the house... lilacs and lily of the valley... nothing in the world can fill a room with scent the way they can... (my lily of the valley are still all green leaves at this point, but they look happy and hardy and I hope to see some little white bells any day now.) I actually might need that basket I bought to haul all the bounty from the garden to the house. Hopefully, when that time comes, I'll still be young enough to lift it...
In this day and age with its ever-increasing lack of customer service, it is so absolutely delightful to be able to spend my hard-earned dollars where my patronage is not just acknowledged but genuinely valued. Everyone who is lucky enough to walk through this door Heavenly Metal and experience this wonderfully funky little shop will encounter exactly that. Utter consumer bliss. The shopkeeper is as fabulous as the goods she sells. If you are in the drivable vicinity... make the time to drop in... you will be so happy you did.
Do you have one of these? Don't tell me... I'd rather not know... you see, jealously would rear its ugly head and taint our relationship... I made my first visit to a Whole Foods yesterday. I had heard of it, but since there isn't one near, I'd never actually shopped at one. It was a foodie's nirvana... amongst all things wondrous was a sign advertising a Saturday breakfast buffet... BREAKFAST+BUFFET... and I missed it... but I got everything else... oh, yes indeed... so if you are fortunate enough to live near one... forget shopping there today, I've left the shelves empty!
What would have once required an hour or so, a sketchpad and several sharp pencils (not to mention a large umbrella)... was recently accomplished with a small turn of the steering wheel, a last minute flip of the wipers and a quick one-handed snap of the camera through my momentarily dry windshield... I pass this house daily on my commute home from work... and I've been thinking its gorgeousness just cries out for a pen and ink portrait... and thanks to a few modern conveniences on one rather rainy day, I have a detailed modern "sketch" to work from...
Other than being a bit chilly this morning, it was a perfect day for getting out and about... blues skies and birds singing... and get out and about is exactly what I did. I stopped in at two estate sales and came away with these treasures... The books and cook booklets are mainly for art projects... and the gravy boat... ah, that gravy boat... it was a "must have" and figure out what to do with it later purchase... Small plant perhaps? ...Or possibly rolled washcloths along with some tiny bars of soap? Something will come along and put it to perfect use, I'm certain... because you see, this isn't the first "must have" that's made it's way home with me...
My brothers, sister and I often spent weekends at my Grandmother's house. My sister and I one weekend... my brothers the next. Gram would take us to the market and let us choose whatever we wanted from the entire store for our dinner. In those days, that was a rare treat, because at home you ate what was put on the table... period... no negotiating... no microwaving different meals for finicky palates. On our weekends, I would ordinarily coerce my sister into letting me decide on the main course, while offering her the choice of desserts. She usually caved under pressure and let me have my way... which meant we ate Canadian bacon and au gratin potatoes... for weeks. Upon reflection, I owe a VERY belated thank you to Sissy (and Gram) for being gracious enough to eat the same dinner over and over and over again without so much as a whimper... a roll of the eyes once or twice maybe... (Sissy, that is... not Gram).
Have you ever taken one of those "what does your perfume say about you" type quizzes? Not me... I know what my results would say... "You're an odd duck in this world of lotions and potions."
And I would have to wholeheartedly agree... I selected my first "serious" fragrance when I was nineteen... for some reason my nineteen-year-old nose decided on Chanel No. 5 for my nineteen-year-old wrists... I wore it for three years (still shaking my head over that one)... (I mean it is a little on the m.a.t.u.r.e side as far as fragrances go)...
Later, I spent years bouncing from scent to scent... from florals to citrus... and back again... a veritable fragrance floozy. Finally, I settled down a bit and currently am madly happy with my one and only Light Blue by Dolce & Gabbana...
i'm kinda eclectic and a bit eccentric... forever the odd little art girl... partial to silly family, sweet friends, good food and great reads... prone to procrastination and
daydreaming... likely to be found shopping, wherever shopping can be found...
The Postal strike continues. No Christmas cards are going out or coming in
this year.
While I am saving $$, the Post Office is losing $$. Either way, sa...
It’s not just the end of the year, I’m afraid it’s also the end of this
blog. I feel bad for just blurting it out like this on New Year’s Eve but
the end o...
I was thrilled to discover that my Happy House favor box kits were featured
in the April/May 2015 of Mary Janes Farm Magazine in their Farmgirl
Expression ...
Well finally!
It's high time that I shared my contribution to
the Spring 2017 issue
of Where Women Create Magazine...
more specifically, the feature st...
Spring is in the air! At least it's visible here and there in little
blossoms peeking out of the grey days, which are often the backdrop of
winter here. ...
Ages ago I saw a photo somewhere of a little bag made from a piece of
paper. It stuck with me and the other day I spent some time online looking
for inst...
after ten years or more of selling with Etsy, unfortunately these days, I
find that I can't afford their fees.
Etsy has worked very hard to upgra...
Fall is finally here, and you know what that means – it’s time to revamp
our wardrobes with the latest trends and cozy up in style. I’m here to
spill the b...
A few eventful months later, and I am slowly beginning to realize autumn is
very near.
I am extremely happy with the beautiful weather we have had and st...
Made with sour cream for the perfect texture and tangy flavor and a sweet
streusel topping, this sour cream banana…
The post Sour Cream Banana Bread appe...
* Happy Wax on Wednesdays !*
I am so incredibly excited to be back on Wax on Wednesday’s with you !
The last three months have brought fear, sorrow , rel...
It's been over a year and a half since I last wrote about anything here.
truth is, I was so overwhelmed with sadness that I just couldn't. I
needed ti...
We jokingly call these meaty, greeny, cheesy, beany, spicy baked chickpeas
because, well, internet recipe naming conventions make us laugh but I
really t...
THE BACKSTORY: At my accursed day job, we're shaking up a 60-year-old
tradition in an effort to survive—and thrive—in a dying industry. For those
who don't...