This winter left me looking washed out and dull... a recent visit to the opthamologist put me in the market for new glasses... and so... this past week I searched for the perfect pair of frames... along with the perfect complexion.
I'm off to a promising start on the complexion... Facial scrubs... (read reviews online... you may find recommendations for an array of surprisingly cheap, yet very effective, products to choose from... I did.) Facial masks... (opt for clay and try to stay as natural as possible.) Cosmetics... (a very personal choice... mine happened to be a lovely new powdery foundation from Lancome -- which included a VERY generous gift with purchase!)
The glasses... well, they're still a work in progress. Because after slapping on nearly a hundred frames, the one that looks the best (by far!) on my Charlie Brown head... happens to be a yummy Prada confection... and a very pricey Prada pair at that. So the search continues... because if my past history with expensive purchases is any indication, I am destined to sit on... step on... drive over... crush... smash... or otherwise just generally destroy, or absentmindedly lose, them within the very first month of ownership.